
AKA Meehambee Portal Tomb

I was thrilled to finally visit this huge megalithic monument. It is delightfully situated on the north side of a track that winds it's way through mixed woodland. The capstone has slipped backwards in a north easterly direction. The south side of the portal tomb, pictured above, consists of a tall portal stone and two large side stones, but the northern portal stone is missing. The doorstone can be seen in the image below leaning into the chamber. A headstone lying 3 metres east of the megalith is believed to be the missing portal stone. Forty metres west of the tomb is a stream. A very atmospheric location.

From the northwest

Situated: From Athlone head west on the R446. At the rounabout take 1st exit. Stay on R446. At next roundabout take 1st exit. Stay on R446. 350 metres turn right. 2.5 k turn right. Go straight for 1.4k. Monument is signposted.

Discovery Map 47: M 9868 4019. Last visit Mar 2014.

Longitude: 8° 1' 11" W

Latitude: 53° 24' 43" N Car Park

Google Map.

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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